Mabus The 3rd
2004-09-01 05:31:22 UTC
While recently signing up for G-Mail, I noticed if you try certain
usernames that are already taken, they will give you totally different
suggestions. Usually they will substitute your desired username with
something similar but not with the following. Try typing in the
username gmail1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 01, 02 etc and click to see if it's
available(possibly anything with gmail will work, even spelt backwards
perhaps). You will get off the wall suggestions like Chemical or Easy
for a username. Why aren't these desired usernames given similar
suggestions like John Doe or Bobbob are? They give you the complete
opposite of what you entered. Almost like saying hey, wrong direction,
turn away. Just thought it would be cool if before choosing your real
username when signing up that perhaps some of you could choose weird
names trying to get some cool suggestions from G-Mail, hit or miss as
you will. Even after entering so many you will have to verify you are
a real person and not a computer program typing in random usernames.
Even at this point the word they get you to type is weird and actually
spell out meaningful stuff. Let us all know what you find.
Mabus "The 3rd"
/(.) (.)\
} {
} . {
/ /^\ \
usernames that are already taken, they will give you totally different
suggestions. Usually they will substitute your desired username with
something similar but not with the following. Try typing in the
username gmail1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 01, 02 etc and click to see if it's
available(possibly anything with gmail will work, even spelt backwards
perhaps). You will get off the wall suggestions like Chemical or Easy
for a username. Why aren't these desired usernames given similar
suggestions like John Doe or Bobbob are? They give you the complete
opposite of what you entered. Almost like saying hey, wrong direction,
turn away. Just thought it would be cool if before choosing your real
username when signing up that perhaps some of you could choose weird
names trying to get some cool suggestions from G-Mail, hit or miss as
you will. Even after entering so many you will have to verify you are
a real person and not a computer program typing in random usernames.
Even at this point the word they get you to type is weird and actually
spell out meaningful stuff. Let us all know what you find.
Mabus "The 3rd"
/(.) (.)\
} {
} . {
/ /^\ \